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Eyebrow styling


Since I’ve started to be a make-up artist professionally, I’m crazy about the eyebrows. Many women don’t realize, that this little detail can change their faces very much! Brows tell a lot about our emotions. They are the strongest point of our face expressions. They also shape our face and “hold” the eyes.

Trends have been changing over the years.

In 20’s perfect eyebrows were thin, round shaped and downwards pointing. Clara Bow, the leading sex symbol of 20’s, was the the best example it. Such eyebrows shape worked great to express the emotions on film.

In 50’s eyebrows were thick, wide and dark. Audrey Hepburn’s full brows were one of her most defining features.

In 70’s, continuing late 60’s flower power trend, natural look was wanted, so the eyebrows were just naturally shaped. It has has changed later when the decade went into super glam disco mode.

Straight, but full brows were typical of the 80´s, which the best example was Brooke Sheilds.

The 90’s brought an obsession with plucking and waxing body hair. Brows were thin and often the gap between them was over-plucked. We all know Pamela Anderson. Interesting is that her eyebrows haven’t really changed since then!

How the perfect eyebrows look now?

Now the eyebrows are very carefully shaped and strongly contoured. They are very graphic with the strong edges (often using concealer to sharpen them), so even a single hair shouldn’t appear out of the line. To many girls they might look a little bit too aggressive  I personally like such eyebrows, but not everyone will feel comfortable with it.

Eyebrow styling

So do you really need to follow the trends?

Not really. There’s one main rule of shaping the eyebrows, that should be good for everyone, however as we have different faces and different hairs, we can try to get close to the shape we like, but that doesn’t mean we will all look the same.

The picture below shows main rules of how shape the eyebrows.

Eyebrow measure

What are the most common mistakes in shaping the eyebrows?

Even if the trends tell us what is right, it won´t be always good for each one of you. Different face shapes demand different eyebrows, because our face proportions are different. Looking for a perfection we often make mistakes! What are the most common mistakes?

Over-plucking a gap between eyebrows – first of all it doesn’t look natural and second the larger space between the eyebrows make your nose look bigger and your eyes too far apart. You don´t want that, right?
Making too much of an arch – you should tweeze below your brow carefully to create a nice lift. Try to find your natural arch. Don´t tweeze too much or you will look permanently surprised!
Over-tweezing the top edge of the eyebrows – this can mess up the shape of your brows and you can lose your natural nice arch.
Skipping the top – that´s actually something opposite to the previous point. The eyebrows often need a little tweezing also there – just to keep this area free of stray hair. Be careful with this!
Trying to match your eyebrow shapes perfectly – important: nobody has a symmetrical face! If you will try to make your eyebrows look identical, you will probably end up with some overplucked horror of your face. You can try to make them look similar, but don´t push it too hard!
Keeping eyebrows too long – brows that extend too far out look heavy, dominate the face and make it shrink…
Using wrong eyebrow pencil – first mistake is to overuse it, second is to use a wrong color. It´s always the best to use a pencil a shade or two lighter than your natural brow color. Brows that are too dark look fake and kinda evil  The point is to give your eyebrows a shadow, not to draw them in. If pencil is too much for you, you should try a brow powder, which gives more natural look.

One last thing about the eyebrows!

Permanent make-up is very popular nowadays. It’s comfortable and helps us to save a lot of time everyday! There’s just one big BUT! If you decide to do this, you have to remember it’s gonna stay with you for a pretty long while! Unfortunately it’s scary to see how many professionals do reeeally bad job… Seeing women who have to “wear” for years creepy eyebrows, that just don’t make any sense, often hurt my eyes…
If you want permanent eyebrows think about it twice and make a good choice!

I’ve never thought I would ever want that for myself, but I’ve changed my mind lately, after seeing the works of one really great professional, that I had a chance to meet in Poland. At some point I felt a bit lazy about doing my eyebrows everyday, so now I’m a happy owner of permanent eyebrows – made using microblading method. I will show you and write something more about it soon!